Monday, February 8, 2010


{click image to enlage}
mirah is an indie singer-song writer based in san fransisco, california. she has released thirteen albums, her debut album being storageland in 1997. her lastest album, (a)spera, was released on march 10, 2009. mirah prefers privacy, so very little is known about her personal life besides the fact that she is openly gay and jewish. her songs are deeply personal and the lyrics are as unadorned as verse can be, which makes her music that much more beautiful and touching. she doesn't rely on witty/clever lines to drive her songs. its the music.

in october 2009, my university's radio crew, wuag 103.1 fm, was able to wrangle mirah into performing a very small and personal set (for free, i might add) at studio b in downtown greensboro, nc. since the venue was tiny and there were no tickets, so it was first come first serve. just for clarification, let me just say that i never thought i'd ever be able to see mirah perform, and she's been my favorite female artist since i was thirteen years old. so, this was obviously a really important show for me. i arrived an hour early and was rewarded (thank god) with front row standing, only a few feet away from mirah.

mirah is an amazing performer. amazing. it was by far my favorite show. her voice is just as beautiful and moving live as in her albums. what i loved most about her, was that she actually jumped into the crowd and started dancing with all her fans. i cried at least twice during the performance. especially during cold, cold water, which has been one of my favorite songs for years. i just stood there swaying and holding hands with liz, crying my eyes out while singing along. that was how good the show was. seriously, if you ever have the opportunity to see mirah perform, GO.

mirah has collaborated with the black cat orchestra to produce the album to all we strech the open arm in 2004. if you're into remixes, the album joyride:remixes, released in 2006, includes two discs of several mirah's songs remixed by various k records artists. every cd she releases is gold. every. single. cd.

1 comment:

  1. Ok so this post is months old I know, but I was just looking for pictures of Mirah and linked to your blog and I so love the way you wrote about her performance. I had the same experience in Denver months ago and its just indescribable...but you did a good job of taking me back there. I appreciate that. I have never wanted to follow and artist around, but I would if I could for Mirah. Its somehow nice to know she has the same effect on others...
